Electronics Projects

Low Distortion Audio Oscillator Build

Low Distortion Audio Oscillator Developed and Written by  Basin Street Design. The following low distortion audio oscillator is based on the Wien-Bridge oscillator. The previous link developes the math. I get it. You can skip that if you don’t care why the Wien bridge oscillator works. 1. Low Distortion Audio Oscillator Schematics Here is the […]

Analog Electronics Electronics Projects

Bainter Notch Filter: Design and Tuning

This article reviews the theory and implementation of the Bainter Notch Filter. Written and developed by  Basin Street Design. This calculation examines the effectiveness of a Bainter notch filter such as the Bainter circuit as seen in the figure below [1]. Low-pass, high-pass, and standard notch responses can be realized. The following picture shows the […]

Analog Electronics

Wien Bridge Oscillator: Unbalanced and Balanced

This article reviews the theory of the Wien Bridge Oscillator. Written to support his own practical projects by Basin Street Design. Here is the famous Wien Bridge oscillator circuit [1]. This picture is one shamelessly stolen from somewhere on the interwebs and modified for my purposes: The oscillator operates by sending part of its output […]

Electronics Projects

HomeMade PCB Manufacturing

HomeMade PCB by Heat Transfer, written and developed by Luca_004.HomeMade PCB by Photosensitive Dry Film explained in this link. Hi guys, in this article I will present the creation and manufacture of a homemade printed circuit board (PCB) with the simplest items at home. HomeMade PCB Tutorial Step 1: Create a Layout With the program […]

Electronics Projects

Magic Eye: Emulation with Arduino

“Magic Eye” emulation project written and developed by Konstantin Dorohov (USA). The recorders and receivers of my youth used the now defunct tube level indicators or “magic eye” on 6E1P or 6E5C lamps. Now is the time for nostalgia for the “old days” and you can buy assembled indicators on aliexpress or amazon. They are […]

Signals and Systems

Frequency Constant Phase Shift and Distortion

Transmission media and electronic components can have multiple effects on the signals propagating through them [1] [2]. To avoid phase distortion, it is necessary that the phase of the system, the phase shift introduced by the medium, is linear with frequency. This case, whose effect consists of a time delay of the signal, is often […]

Basic Electronics

Semiconductor Industry

Semiconductors are materials that can behave as conductors or insulators depending on the environmental conditions. They are very relevant materials since they are the basis for the emergence and development of modern electronics (the transistor) and for the manufacture of integrated circuits. Hence the importance of the semiconductor industry. Semiconductor Industry Applications Today, electronics is […]

Without category

Bitcoin Objective Value Caculation

1. Introduction Bitcoin objective value is difficult to establish. Actually, like so many other questions in economics, it depends on the perspective from which it is calculated. Therefore, estimates can be found that treasure very different values ​​for bitcoin, from zero to millions of dollars. Likewise, the calculation method used in this article simply reflects […]

Basic Electronics

Analog and Digital Electronics: Differences

This text explains, compares and shows the main differences between analog and digital electronics [1] [2]. On the one hand, analog electronics use continuous signals, where any value is possible. However, digital electronics are based on binary signals, where only two possible states are allowed. The contrast between the two worlds is obvious, and is […]

Basic Electronics

Electronics Design Specializations

The electronics industry employs millions of workers in the world. But it is only a select group of them, the electronic design engineers, who conceive the devices that are manufactured. The different specialties of electronics give rise to the corresponding electronics design specializations. And, consequently, these electronics design specializations give rise to the corresponding electronics […]