Basic Electronics

Semiconductor Industry

Semiconductors are materials that can behave as conductors or insulators depending on the environmental conditions. They are very relevant materials since they are the basis for the emergence and development of modern electronics (the transistor) and for the manufacture of integrated circuits. Hence the importance of the semiconductor industry. Semiconductor Industry Applications Today, electronics is […]

Basic Electronics

Analog and Digital Electronics: Differences

This text explains, compares and shows the main differences between analog and digital electronics [1] [2]. On the one hand, analog electronics use continuous signals, where any value is possible. However, digital electronics are based on binary signals, where only two possible states are allowed. The contrast between the two worlds is obvious, and is […]

Basic Electronics

Electronics Design Specializations

The electronics industry employs millions of workers in the world. But it is only a select group of them, the electronic design engineers, who conceive the devices that are manufactured. The different specialties of electronics give rise to the corresponding electronics design specializations. And, consequently, these electronics design specializations give rise to the corresponding electronics […]

Basic Electronics

Basic Electronics (Analog, Digital, …)

Have you ever heard the word “electronics” and don’t know what it means? Do you want to learn basic electronics but all the texts you find are too cumbersome or lead you to thousands of different links? Do you think you know what electronics is but you can’t distinguish analog from digital? Have you heard […]