Optical Communications

Optical Modulators: EAM and MZM

Optical modulators use electrical signals to modify the physical characteristics of materials in such a way that the propagation conditions of light change. This article explains the most common optical modulators that are widely employed in optical communications. Firstly, Electro-Absorption Modulators are briefly describred. Secondly, electro-optic Mach-Zehnder Modulators (MZM) are introduced. Finally, the most relevant […]

Optical Communications

Laser Diodes for Optical Communications

The term laser is used as a noun, but it was originally an acronym for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”. A laser is a fundamental part in any optical transmitter, as it is the generator of the optical carrier. In optical communications, the spectral location of a carrier is often stated in wavelengths […]

Optical Communications

Optical Networks

This section provides a basic classification of optical networks. The overall network is a complicated system that ensures robust optical communications between exchange information nodes. This high-level system can be divided into typical subnetworks that meet specific geographical and functional requirements: the core network, Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN), access networks and Local Area Networks (LAN). […]

Optical Communications

Relevance of Optical Communications

This article shows the relevance of optical communications emphasizing how the introduction of optical devices marked an inflexion point in the performance of guided data links. The development of electro-optical technology allowed to increase simultaneously the distance and capactiy of communications systems. In practice, optical communications have enabled the ever-increasing worldwide data traffic. The table […]

Optical Communications

Optical Communications Fundamentals

Communication is an essential element in our social, cultural and technical evolution. Especially over recent decades, human habits and technology have influenced each other, but always relying on a growing exchange of information. Optical communications have enabled this development and have become the only mature technology that can satisfy the demand of capacity in wired […]